Ford engine codes p2173
Ford engine codes p2173

I cannot in good conscience drive it, sell it or even trade it in until I know it is safe! every time it happened, the car was on a city street, stationary, and heading straight. It is going to sit at the dealer until they find out what to do. This one frightened me so badly, I will not drive it again. Only thing is, now I know to put all my weight on the brake, shift to neutral and turn the car off as fast as I can. It has been 4 months since that last incident, but this one even was worse than the first. I turned the car off again, and it was fine until yesterday. Three months later, it did it again to a lesser degree, in an open area. They said the computer showed no malfunction, and it had to be driver error. I refused to drive it, and had it towed to the dealer. Luckily there was only $4,000 worth of damage to my car, and no one was hurt. Although my foot was planted hard on the brake, the engine continued racing, and it felt like my car was going to push his car down the street! I shifted into park and turned the car off. While at a stop in a construction zone, my foot was on the brake, when the vehicle suddenly accelerated into the vehicle in front of me. The lights come on from park or while driving. The date below is of first warning lights. Hopefully, both of these issues can be re-addressed. if the dealerships know, it makes me wonder why the recall didn't include both valve cover gaskets or a new one hasn't been issued for the rear one. My Hyundai dealership even warned me when replacing the front one that my rear one would most likely need to be done too (for $500+). My personal thoughts on this are that if the front one is faulty, then it's not a stretch to get to the rear one being faulty. Apparently the gasket that is leaking this time isn't the front one, it is the rear one.

ford engine codes p2173

I don't know how much the dealership wants to "re-fix" the first 2 campaigns that should have already been fixed, but for just the valve gasket work, it would be at least $500, not including the alternator that will need to be replaced when the car does go out. Between the 2 issues, it is most likely a matter of days (if I'm lucky) before my car loses power in some form and I am potentially in a wreck with my family in the car. We changed my oil this weekend, have had no other work done on the car since (except oil changes) and my husband noticed that the alternator is again covered in oil. I've had the front engine valve gasket cover fixed, along with my alternator replaced (after my husband and I did it ourselves after losing all power on christmas eve in the middle of road before barely coasting into a nearby parking lot where we were able to sort of park out of the way). The second issue is in regards to campaign 936. I have (luckily) not yet had loss of engine power or control. However, my ESC off light and ABS light are again lighting up. One of these was deemed to have been fixed by a previous recall (campaign 105/110 - fixed /closed Jun 23, 2014).

Ford engine codes p2173