VPN (Virtual Private Network) is one of the most necessary commodities for a person on the Internet. List of Best Sites to Download Music from Torrent.The second reason arises when the Internet is slow. This case reflects that songs cannot be played at all. The Internet is the diet on which songs to be played by the apps feed on. This abrupt communication cut-off blocks the access of your device to the Internet. The first and foremost reason is the unavailability of internet connections at places of inadequate network coverage and Wi-Fi. Apps aren’t bad, but there are reasons why people ought to prefer torrents over apps. The second being, it is quite evident that many apps have emerged for Smartphones which let people listen to music peacefully. Music is also available on torrent sites, but many people are not aware of it & spending a few dollars on music subscription every month, wherewith music torrent you can enjoy unlimited music for free. This being said, people leave behind the most loved pass-time of humans since their evolution, i.e. Torrents are a relief to many people looking forward to getting the movies, games, and software they want for free.